Hawkins First United Methodist Church

"A Heart For Hawkins in the Heart of Hawkins"

Hawkins First United Methodist Church stands on property that was gifted to our founding Methodist community in 1885.  Through the good times and bad this church and its faithful have remained a committed part of the Hawkins and southeast Wood County community.  Today Hawkins F.U.M.C. remains a vibrant community of faithful followers of Jesus the Christ.  We hold firmly to our denomination stand to be the people of "Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors."  For our community this means that whoever you are, where ever you have come from, regardless of what you do or do not know of God, you are welcome here.  We invite you to join all of us as pilgrims on the journey of a lifetime.

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School  8:45  Young Hall & Wesley House

Gathering Time 9:30 Young Hall

      Worship  10:00   Sanctuary

Worship is also streamed on our Facebook circlefacebook page and on Youtube circleyoutube. (Click on icon to access).

No Childcare At This Time

You Can Find Last Week's Message Here